nah, i decided i shall be nice to nice people to tagged whee! ^^
kaiying: don't you feel so FREEEEEEEEEE?

{yes I feel VERY FREEEEE!! *looks as the physics kids and shakes head* hahahah! shopping on wed! for hamsterrrr!}
GB: roarh!? i thought u wont supposed to use comp. lol when's u're exams ending? mine on 11th LEHS! ZOMG.
GB: omg i'm dead hahas gtg. hope i msg 1.0 this term! (yeah right)
{lol i said i was going to switch on on friday what ^^ mine end on 10th wheee! zomg you roarh addict.}
YINGZHI: YES YES OGURI SHUN IS HAWT!! haha he motivates me so much lalala
{HAHA YES HE IS! ^^ watch STANDUP okay and then you'll see yamapi [yamashita tomohisa] is hot and cute! :DDD]}
ELAIN: emma! hello hello hello! HAHAhA

{elaintan! helloooooooo! hahahha takecareyo! :D}
GB: lol hahas hie. omg exams until thursday! but oh yes! i haf a free day on wednesday lolx xD
{HAHAHA i free day on monday, i shall be a suanner ^^ lalalala~ no physics owns YAY}
thanks for tagging wheee do continue to do so haha
i slacked today haha, just feel like exams are over wheee!
shopping on wednesday i think! mummy says i can have a hamster after exams! :DDDD
bowling on thursday with bowling peeps!
ohmyi'm a happy girl wheeee! ^^
nights i'm tired ):
sleeping at 3am everyday is bad for health
sleeping late makes you retarded, its scientifically proven
now you know why my grades have dropppped so much this year D:
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